Wood paint brings a more aesthetic appearance to products made of wood while also helping to hide surface defects of the wood during processing. Painting outdoor wood needs to be done with the right technique to bring the expected beauty to the product in terms of gloss, color rendering ability, etc. Below is some information related to this issue, please refer to it. let's see!
Painting wood cannot be done in a hurry but needs to be done step by step
Types of outdoor wood paint on the market
There are many different types of wood paint on the market to serve the user's purposes. Outdoor wood paint includes the following groups:
Water-based paint
Water-based paint is a paint made from solvents, colors, resins, and additives, with water being the main solvent of this paint group. The content of synthetic organic substances in the water-based paint group is very low and this is a paint group that is highly recommended for use.
Solvent-based paint
Solvent-based paint is a 2-component product, the formation of paint is based on 2 main mechanisms: evaporation of solvent and reaction between polymer and hardener. To be usable, solvent-based paint needs to be mixed in appropriate proportions for application. At the same time, if there is excess paint, it must be discarded and cannot be kept for use.
In addition, outdoor wood painting also uses preservative oil, color stain, auxiliary products and wood surface treatment.
It is necessary to paint wood with professional techniques
Reasons why it is necessary to apply outdoor wood paint according to standard procedures
There are many reasons why outdoor wood painting must be done according to professional procedures, including the following:
- Thực hiện đúng quy trình sơn gỗ ngoài trời giúp lớp sơn có độ bám dính tốt với bề mặt của sản phẩm gỗ.
- Correctly following the outdoor wood painting process helps the paint layer have good adhesion to the surface of the wood product.
- Painting wood outdoors properly helps the wood color more beautifully and hides small surface defects of wood products.
- Painting outdoor wood properly helps reduce the cost of having to paint and repaint wood products.
- Painting outdoor wood properly ensures the longevity of wood products.
Correct technical process of painting outdoor wood
The gloss of the paint affects the effectiveness of wood painting
An outdoor wood painting process that meets technical standards includes the following basic steps:
- Treat the surface of the product so that the surface of the wooden product is smooth and smooth, with no ruffled wood bristles, no small holes or protrusions on the surface by filling or plastering the surface.
- Spray colored Stain layer on the surface or spray colored powder putty on the surface of the product to shape the color of the wooden product.
- Prime 1 or 2 times depending on the characteristics of the wood product with the appropriate paint line selected.
- Mix outdoor paint in the correct ratio and spray it once on the surface of the product.
- Dry wooden products outdoors in the sun for 3 hours or more to help the paint surface dry and harden, ensuring the gloss of the wooden product's surface after being sprayed with paint.
Outdoor wood painting needs to be done in sunny, dry, windy conditions and the paint spraying process needs to be done evenly to bring the highest aesthetic appearance to the product. Correctly following the steps in the outdoor wood painting process combined with paint mixing and weather factors helps bring the most perfect appearance to the product.